Products - Items tagged as "Hidden forest pocket"

View all 8 planet set abundance Adelaide mine adularia Afghanistan africa african amethyst agate agate jewelry alaska Alberta Alice mine Alma almandine altar gifts altar room altar tools amazonite amazonite bracelet amazonite jewelry amber bracelet Amber earrings amber jewelry amber pendant american american fossils american minerals american southwest american turquoise amethyst amethyst beads amethyst bracelet amethyst crystal amethyst crystal bottle amethyst faceted dangle earrings amethyst flower amethyst gemstone bottle amethyst hoops amethyst jewelry amethyst necklace amethyst quartz amethyst slice amethyst sterling silver earrings amethyst studs ametrine ametrine quartz ammolite ammolite jewelry ammolite pendant ammonite ammonite earrings ammonite fossil ammonite stud earrings ammonite studs ancestralite andalusite Angel angel coin Angel pocket piece Angel pocket stone angelite apatite apatite bracelet apophyllite apple green april birthstone aqua aquamarine aquamarine bracelet aquamarine crystal Aquamarine drop earrings Aquamarine earrings aquamarine faceted bracelet aquamarine jewelry aquamarine necklace aquamarine pendant aragonite argentina arizona Arkansas arrow head arrowhead artistic inspiration arusha region Aspen leaf Aspen leaf from colorado Aspen leaf ornament Astrophyllite atlantasite august birthstone August birthstone jewelry australia australian minerals azurite B & W baja california Balochistan baltic amber baltic amber bracelet Baltic amber earrings baltic amber gemstones baltic amber pendant banded banded agate banded iron formations barite basalt basalt bracelet bergamot beryl best incense bicolored corundum BIFs bipyramidal birthstone birthstone jewelry black black and white black beaded bracelet black beaded necklace black crystal black jade black jewelry black nephrite black onyx black onyx jewelry black onyx necklace black sapphire black spinel Black spinel earrings Black spinel studs black star sapphire black tourmaline black tourmaline bracelet black tourmaline jewelry blacklight minerals blessings bloodstone bloodstone pendant blue blue amazonite blue and green blue anhydrite blue apatite blue apatite jewelry blue aquamarine blue beaded necklace blue beryl blue crystal earrings blue crystals blue crystals for jewelry blue fluorite blue gemstones blue goldstone blue kyanite blue lapis blue microcline blue minerals blue pectolite blue phantom quartz blue sapphire blue sapphire stud earrings blue stones blue topaz blue topaz earrings blue topaz pendant blue tourmaline blue turquoise bohemian bohemian jewelry boho book book of stones books and decks bornite botryoidal bottle necklace boulder boyaca dept bracelet brandberg brandberg amethyst brandberg mountain brazil brazilian emerald Brazilian garnet brazilian tourmaline bright blue bright green brown goldstone brucite budai buddha buddha carving buddha statue Buddhism gifts Buddhist themed gifts bumble bee jasper bumblebee stone bunker hill Burma butte mining district cabinet specimen cabochon cabochon cut cabochon cut gems calcite california calm campo del cielo Canada cancer style candleholder candles carbonate caribbean blue carnelian carnelian bracelet carnelian stone chip bracelet carnelian stone chips cassis cavansite cave calcite cave-in-rock cedar cedarwood celestine celestite celtic celtic knot Celtic knotwork ceramic chakra energy chakras chalcedony chalcopyrite chamomile Chandelier earrings chevron amethyst chiastolite chihuahua chime chime candle chime candles china chinese fluorite chinese jade chinese minerals chino mine chip bracelet christian chrome diopside chrome diopside earrings chrome diopside jewelry Chrome diopside studs chrome tremolite chrysocolla chrysocolla earrings chrysocolla jewelry chrysocolla necklace chrysocolla stud earrings chrysocolla studs chrysoprase citrine citrine beads citrine bracelet citrine earrings citrine faceted gem earrings citrine jewelry citrine necklace citrine pendant citrine quartz citrine raw crystal earrings citrine studs Claddaugh Claddaugh ring clear clear crystal earrings clear crystal jewelry clear crystal necklace clear crystal point clear quartz clear quartz tumbled clinochlore clinochlore quartz clove cluster collectible tin colombia colombian emeralds colorado colorado aquamarine colorado minerals Colorado pyrite Colorado rhodochrosite colorado rhodonite colorado sage colorado state gem colorado state mineral colored candles commander mine compressed turquoise conch shell contemporary copper copper crystals cordierite corundum courage covellite crazy lace agate crazy lace agate tumbled cream moonstone created opal created opal jewelry creativity cripple creek crocidolite Crocoite cross cross stone crown crown chakra crystal balls crystal book crystal bottle crystal cabinet specimen crystal cluster crystal collection crystal earrings crystal gifts crystal grid crystal gridding crystal hand specimen crystal information crystal lovers crystal necklace crystal planets crystal point necklace crystal skull crystals crystals for sale cubes cubic crystals cushion cut czech republic daily reminders Dalmatian jasper Dalmatian stone dangle earrings daoping mine dark crystal dark green dark green gemstone pendant dark pink Daylight fluorescent Daylight fluorescent fluorite Daylight UV december birthstone deck in a tin dendritic copper desert rose desert rose stone diamond crystal diamond specimen Diana maria Fluorite divination divine feminine dodecahedron Dogtooth calcite dolomite dove dragon blood jasper Dravite Dravite tourmaline dreams dried lavender dried sage drum mountains druse druzy druzy pendant dumortierite dunolly earth element earth tones ecuadorian holy wood ecuadorian palo stick egyptian Egyptian goddess Isis Egyptian themed gifts el loro el loro boulder elbaite elbaite tourmaline elephant elephant carving elimia shells elmwood mine emerald emerald crystals emerald drop earrings emerald earrings emerald jewelry emerald pendant Emerald studs emotional healing empathy enhanced enlightenment epidote erongo erongo region essential oil bottle essential oils etched garnet ethiopian opal ethiopian opal earrings ethiopian opal stud earrings eudialyte exposed crystals skull faceted faceted aquamarine gem faceted blue topaz faceted labradorite faceted moldavite faceted Moldavite ring faceted peridot faceted ruby studs faceted strand Faceted tourmaline fairy crosses fall style fashion jewelry february birthstone fertility fertility amulet filigree heart pendant fir fire element fish flower slice fluor-buergerite fluorapatite fluorapophyllite fluorescent calcite fluorite fluorite crystal bottle fluorite octahedron fluorite on quartz aft. laumontite fool's gold fools gold fossil fossil display specimen fossil earrings fossil jewelry fossil Pearl fossil pendant fossil shell fossil stone fossilized fossilized coral fossilized coral pendant fossils four leaf clover frankincense freshwater cultured Pearl freshwater Pearl frosterley fun crystal gifts for kids future buddha galena ganesha gardenia gardenia flower garnet garnet beads garnet earrings garnet gem garnet jewelry garnet necklace garnet studs gaspeite gemstone gemstone accessories gemstone bead bracelets gemstone book gemstone bottle gemstone healing gemstone heart gemstone jewelry gemstone reference gemstone ring gemstone spheres gemstone spheres for space gemstones gentleness geode geode half geode slice geology gifts gift ideas gilson opal gilson opal earrings gilson opal necklace Gilson opal studs goboboseb god of wisdom goddess goddess amulet goddess guanyin goddess Isis goddess kuan yin goddess talisman goethite gold Gold aspen leaf gold from australia gold nugget golden apatite golden barite golden beryl golden brown beaded bracelet golden tiger eye golden yellow goldstone good luck grape grape agate grapefruit graphic graphic earrings green green amazonite green amethyst green amethyst earrings green apatite green apophyllite green aquamarine green beryl green calcite green chalcedony green crystal earrings green crystals green crystals for jewelry green epidote green fluorite green fluorite necklace green garnet green garnet crystals green gem earrings green gemstone earrings green goldstone green jade green minerals green monster mine green river formation green stone pendant green tea Green Tourmaline green turquoise greenstone grey grey moonstone grossular garnet growth guanyin guide gummy bear illustrations gummy bear tarot gummy bears gypsum gypsum rose Halloween gifts hamsa hand of fatima hand tied handcarved handmade bracelet handmade jewelry handwrapped happiness healing healing crystals healing gems healing properties heart heart chakra heart necklace heart shaped earrings heart shaped garnet heart shaped jewelry heart shaped pendant heart shaped studs heart stones heartbeat amethyst heated citrine heliodor heliodor crystal heliotrope helpful habits hematine hematite hematite crystal hematite rose hemimorphite herkimer Herkimer Diamond herkimer diamond bracelet herkimer diamond jewelry Herkimer Diamond pendant herkimer diamond quartz herkimer diamond quartz beads herkimer diamond quartz crystals herkimer diamond quartz earrings herkimer diamond quartz jewelry herkimer diamonds herkimers hexagonal crystal Hidden forest Hidden forest pocket higher mind hindu hippie holder hotei Howlite Hubei turquoise Hubei turquoise earrings Hubei turquoise pendant hypersthene ice blue ichthus ichthyus icy pink beryl bracelet Idaho iguana iguana carving illinois impact glass imperial jade incense incense burner incense burning india indian rubies indian style incense indicolite indigo indonesia insight intuition iolite Iolite bracelet Iolite jewelry iridescent Irish wedding ring iron minerals iron pyrite iron pyrite pendant jade jade bracelet jade jewelry jadeite january birthstone japanese japanese stick incense japanese style incense jar candles jasmine jasmine flower jasper java Jesus fish jewelry shop jewelry supply Jianshan mine john saul mine july birthstone june birthstone kangayam kaokoveld plateau karibib karibib district karma kenya kerrouchene khibiny kingman turquoise kingman turquoise pendant knapped arrowhead knot kola peninsula kuan yin kundalini kundalini channel kunzite kunzite bracelet kyanite pendant lab created hematite labdanum laboratory created laboratory created opal labradorite labradorite beads labradorite bracelet labradorite earrings labradorite jewelry labradorite necklace labradorite sterling silver earrings labradorite stud earrings labradorite studs lapis lapis bracelet lapis earrings lapis jewelry lapis lazuli lapis lazuli bracelet lapis lazuli earrings lapis lazuli pendant Lapis lazuli studs larimar larimar earrings larimar jewelry larimar pendant latin cross laughing buddha laumontite lava rock lava rock bracelet lavandin lavender lavender flower lead free pewter lemon chrysoprase leo style lepidolite lepidolite jewelry lepidolite pendant lepidolite purple mica necklace lifelike animal carving light blue light green light pink light purple lime lime green lithium mica lizard lizard statue locally made loose meteorite loose turquoise lord ganesha Los Lamentos lotus lotus flower love love stones magick magnesite magnetic hematine magnetic hematite Mahenge mahogany obsidian mahogany obsidian tumbled malachite malachite beads malachite bracelet malachite earrings malachite jewelry mandalay manganese mines manganocalcite manifestation marahashtra march birthstone martite massive matrix rock may birthstone May birthstone jewelry meditation meditation aid meditation tools merchant's stone merelani hills mesa county metallic minerals metaphysical meteorite Meteorite earrings meteorite jewelry meteorite pendant Meteorite stud earrings Meteorite studs mexican agate Mexican fire Opal Mexican jelly opal mexico mexquitic mibladen mica microcline Midelt minas gerais mineral information mineral rock decor mineral specimen mineral specimens minerals minerals bottle minerals for sale minerals of china minerals of Tsumeb mini bottle mini burner mini candle mini candle holder mini candles mini charms miniature miniature oracle miniature oracle cards miniature specimen miniature Tarot deck Missouri Missouri minerals modern modern earrings modern repro mogok moldavite Moldavite dangle earrings Moldavite drop earrings moldavite earrings moldavite energy moldavite faceted studs Moldavite jewelry Moldavite power moldavite raw studs Moldavite ring Moldavite rondelles moldavite studs Moldavite trillion money montana moon moon goddess moonstone moonstone bracelet moonstone earrings moonstone jewelry moonstone necklace moonstone sterling silver jewelry moonstone studs morganite morganite beaded jewelry morganite bracelet morganite earrings morganite faceted earrings morganite jewelry morganite pendant morningstar moroccan minerals moroccan rose morocco Moss agate moss agate bracelet moss agate jewelry mother of Pearl mother of pearl bracelet mother of Pearl shell mother of pearl stone chips mount edwards mine mounted specimen Mt. Ida multistone pendant Myanmar mystic quartz mystic quartz jewelry mystic quartz pendant namibia namibian amethyst Namibian minerals narmada river narmadeshvara lingam native native american native copper natural natural amber natural amber gems natural amber jewelry natural amethyst natural crystal natural crystals for jewelry natural diamond natural emerald natural fossilized material natural fossils natural meteorite natural Moldavite natural opal natural opal studs natural stones natural sugilite nature gifts navajo navegadora nephrite jade new mexico new york nickel rich magnesite nickeloan magnesite nippon kodo non native american northern cape november birthstone November birthstone jewelry nutmeg obsidian ocean ocean goddess ocean jasper octahedral crystal octahedron october birthstone October birthstone jewelry offerings oil diffuser bracelet om onyx opal opal pendant opal studs opalescence opals open setting oracle cards oracle deck oracle deck set orange orange calcite Orpiment ouro preto pagan gifts painterly pakistan pale pink beads pallasite meteorite palm wax palm wax blend palm wax candles palo santo palo santo for ritual palo santo for smudging palo santo stick paprok paraffin park county patchouli peace peach moonstone peacock peacock ore peacock rock pearl pendant pendant pendant and chain set pentacle coin pentagram charm pentagram coin perfume bottle peridot peridot earrings peridot jewelry peridot pendant peridot studs peru peruvian holy wood peruvian palo santo pewter coin phantom quartz phantom quartz jewelry pillar candles pine pine wood pink Pink and green tourmaline pink and red beaded necklace pink and white jewelry pink Apophyllite pink beryl pink beryl bracelet Pink beryl jewelry pink conch shell pink crystal earrings pink crystal studs pink earrings pink fluorapophyllite pink gemstone bracelet pink mangano calcite Pink morganite pink quartz pink rhodonite pink spodumene pink stone earrings Pink tourmaline Pink tourmaline jewelry Pink tourmaline stud earrings Pink tourmaline studs pocket book of stones pocket charm pocket coin pocket oracle pocket piece pocket pieces pocket sized oracle polished polished heart polished Moldavite polished pallasite polished shape polished shapes poona district positive energy positive patterns prasiolite prasiolite earrings prayer prehnite prehnite and epidote prehnite bracelet prehnite jewelry prince of wales protection psychic stones pune purification purple purple amethyst purple chalcedony purple crystal earrings purple crystals purple crystals for jewelry purple fluorite purple mica purple quartz purple rocks pyrite pyrite bracelet pyrite jewelry pyrite statue pyromorphite pyromorphite crystals quartz quartz bracelet quartz crystal quartz jewelry que phong district queen conch rainboe obsidian rainbow rainbow iridescent rainbow moonstone Rainbow moonstone earrings Rainbow moonstone studs rainbow obsidian rainbow opal rainforest jasper rainforest jasper bracelet rainforest rhyolite rare rare crystals rare meteorite rare minerals Rare tourmaline ratnapura raw aquamarine crystal raw blue sapphire raw chunk raw crystal raw crystals raw garnet crystals raw gemstone jewelry raw moldavite raw moldavite earrings raw moldavite jewelry raw pendant raw peridot raw pyrite crystals raw pyrite pendant raw rubies raw sapphire raw shungite raw stones raw tanzanite Real leaf ornament red red beaded necklace red cloud mine red cloud wulfenite red crystal earrings red garnet red garnets red gemstone bracelet red gemstone jewelry red Jade red Jade earrings red obsidian red orange agate red ruby red shell red spinel reflection release of negative habits remover of obstacles replacement rhodo rhodochrosite rhodochrosite earrings rhodochrosite stalactite earrings rhodochrosite stalactites Rhodonite earrings rhodonite jewelry rhodonite pendant rhyolite bracelet ritual ritual candles ritual tools robert simmons rock collection rock crystal rockland mine rocks rocks and minerals rogerley fluorite rogerley mine root root chakra rose rose flower rose incense rose incense sticks rose quartz rose quartz bracelet rose quartz crystal bottle rose quartz earrings rose quartz faceted earrings rose quartz heart rose quartz jewelry rose quartz necklace rose quartz oval earrings rose quartz pendant rose quartz point pendant rose quartz studs rosemary rough gems ruby ruby and zoisite ruby crystal ruby crystals ruby earrings ruby faceted strand ruby in matrix ruby necklace ruby pendant ruby strand ruby stud earrings ruby studs ruby zoisite jewelry russia Russian meteorite sabbat sacral sacral chakra sacred white buffalo sage Samhain gifts sapo mine sapphire crystal sapphire earrings sapphire raw crystals for jewelry sapphire studs sard satya satya incense satya sai baba scalenohedral scented candles scepter scepter quartz schorl science gifts scientific specimen sea of cortez self love semi polished september birthstone september birthstone jewelry serenity serpentine seymchan Seymchan pallasite shamrock shattuckite shell beads shell bracelet shells shiva shiva lingam showpiece shungite shungite jewelry shungite pendant Siberia Sierra Nevada turquoise Sierra Nevada turquoise earrings Sierra Nevada turquoise pendant signature piece silver filigree silverton single crystal skardu sky blue earrings sleeping beauty turquoise small tarot deck smoky smoky amethyst smoky quartz smoky quartz crystal Smoky quartz earrings Smoky quartz jewelry Smoky quartz studs smudge smudge bundle smudge stick smudging snowville solar plexus solar plexus chakra solar system crystal spheres solar system set south africa southwest jewelry space crystals space gifts space glass sparkly pink jewelry special care spessartine garnet sphalerite sphalerite cluster sphene spinel Spinel jewelry Spinel studs spiny oyster spiny oyster shell spiritual guides spring style spruce sri lanka stacking bead bracelets stainless steel chain stalactite star star of david star sapphire starburst designs staurolite staurolite crystals sterling silver sterling silver bracelet sterling silver cuff sterling silver earrings sterling silver jewelry sterling silver link bracelet sterling silver necklace sterling silver pendant sterling silver ring stichtite stichtite and serpentine stick stilbite stone arrow head stone art stone carving stone chip bracelet stone dangle earrings stone drop earrings stone skull stone statue stones stones for dreaming stones for psychic power stress release stretch elastic bracelet stretchy bracelet stud earrings sugilite sugilite specimen summer style sun and moon sun and moon tarot sunburst setting sustainably harvested sustainably sourced sweet home mine Sweetwater mine symbol of the fish synthetic opal Tabasco Tabasco geodes tangerine tanzania Tanzanian crystals tanzanite tanzanite earrings tanzanite jewelry tanzanite necklace tanzanite pendant tanzanite raw crystals tanzanite studs Tarot cards Tarot deck tarot deck in a tin tarot in a tin tarot set tasmania tea teardrop earrings teller county tennessee third eye third eye chakra throat throat chakra thumbnail specimen thumbnail specimen a-g thumbnail specimen h-n thumbnail specimen O-T thumbnail specimen u-z tiger eye tiger eye beads tiger eye bracelet tiger eye crystal bottle tiger eye jewelry tiger eye pendant tiger eye point tiger's eye tiny holder titanite Tourmalinated quartz tourmaline tourmaline bracelet tourmaline crystals Tourmaline earrings tourmaline group tourmaline jewelry Tourmaline pendant Tourmaline pink Tourmaline studs toxic beauty travel altar tree tree of life tremolite tremolite crystal trillion cut trilobite trilobite fossil trilobite jewelry trilobite pendant triquetra triskelion tsavorite tsavorite garnet Tsumeb Tsumeb mine tumbled amazonite tumbled amethyst tumbled ametrine tumbled ammonite tumbled ancestralite tumbled andalusite tumbled apatite tumbled aquamarine tumbled aragonite tumbled atlantasite tumbled black jade tumbled bloodstone tumbled blue apatite tumbled blue aquamarine tumbled blue goldstone tumbled brown goldstone tumbled bumble bee jasper tumbled celestine tumbled celestite tumbled chalcopyrite tumbled chevron amethyst tumbled chinese jade tumbled chrysoprase tumbled Dalmatian jasper tumbled dragon blood jasper tumbled dumortierite tumbled emerald tumbled eudialyte tumbled fluorite tumbled garnet tumbled goldstone tumbled green apatite tumbled green goldstone tumbled green jade tumbled heartbeat amethyst tumbled hematite tumbled howlite tumbled iolite tumbled jade tumbled magnetic hematite tumbled orange calcite tumbled pyrite tumbled ruby in matrix tumbled stones turquoise turquoise dangle earrings turquoise earrings turquoise for jewelry turquoise mountain turquoise mountain earrings turquoise mountain pendant turquoise pendant turritella agate turritella jasper UK ukraine ultraviolet unaweep canyon unique sterling silver earrings united kingdom unpolished unpolished moldavite gems unpolished rocks unpolished shungite unscented unscented candles USA utah uvarovite uvarovite garnet valentines day valentines day gift ideas valentines day ideas vanadinite variegated ruby beads variquoise variscite viburnum trend victoria vietnam vintage style vitality water element water sapphire Watermelon pendant Watermelon tourmaline Watermelon tourmaline crystal Watermelon tourmaline jewelry wealth Weardale Weardale fluorite welo opal welo opals wenshan wessels mine white buffalo white buffalo bracelet white buffalo dangle earrings white buffalo earrings white buffalo stone white buffalo turquoise white candleholder white sage white turquoise white turquoise earrings wholeness wicca Wicca gifts wiccan Wiccan pentagram will wind element winter style wire wrapped wirewrapping wirewrapping supply witchy gifts witchy stuff wood wood free sticks wulfenite wulfenite cluster wyoming xianghuapu mine yaogangxian yaogangxian mine yellow yellow apatite yellow brucite yellow crystals yellow green yellow minerals yellow stone yoga gifts yoga room supplies your style Zacatecas zeolite minerals zoisite pendant zuby zoisite pendant