Recommended Reading: Mineralogy

Would you like to know more about the scientific side of the mineral world? We recommend you read some of the books, articles, and websites below to increase your understanding and knowledge of the science behind minerals and their designations. Whether you are interested more in the science or the healing properties, a good background in the science side will help you understand both sides more comprehensively.



Gemstones of the World, by Walter Schumann. Very strong and well-organized physical info about common gems and minerals, as well as the history and methods used in the mineral industry.

Audobon Society Field Guide to North American Rocks and Minerals. Invaluable resource with info in both written and visual form; limited only by its adherence to North American localities only.


Websites: Mindat is arguably one of the best resources in any form for studying mineralogy and crystal habit, as well as familiarizing oneself with localities and sources of different minerals.

Specific Articles:


Tiger Eye is a mix of Quartz and the Riebeckite variety Crocidolite, the asbestiform of Riebeckite. The golden variety of Tiger Eye, which is more common than the blue "Hawk's Eye", is caused by oxidation of the iron content in the riebeckite. Although tiger eye has long been listed as a pseudomorph of quartz after crocidolite, new evidence suggests that the quartz and crocidolite actually display synchronous mineral growth through a crack-seal vein-filling process. Due to its silicate and asbestiform composition, tiger eye fibers should never be crushed or inhaled (this is true with basically all mineral specimens.)

We suggest: "New Interpretation of the origin of tiger's-eye"--Peter J. Heaney, Donald Myron Fisher. Geosciences, Materials Research Institute (MRI).