Ethiopian Opal #8 Thumbnail Specimen (South Welo, Ethiopia)
*This is a very small miniature, known as a thumbnail specimen. Please examine scale photo and consider dimensions carefully.* Thumbnail specimens are mounted in small display boxes known as perky boxes, and contain locality information. They are designed so that they are ready for display, or may be unmounted for any use including jewelry supply. An ideal and efficient tiny treasure, for any collection!
Mineral Name: Opal, Ethiopian
Locality: South Welo, Amhara Province, Ethiopia.
Dimensions: 0.35" x 0.50" (9mm x 13mm)
Characteristics of this specimen: Ethiopian Opals occur in every color of the rainbow, and many different growth structures. They may display warm body tones like yellow, red, orange, or white, or cool tones like blue, green, purple, or black. Fragments of rhyolitic rock may remain, and most Ethopian opals are hydrophane (change color in water), contra luz (a different color when backlit), or both.
Ethiopian opals are a beautiful type of white precious opal, though they can have many different base colors. Originally Ethiopian opals were darker and found in geode form--they began to impact the opal market in 2008. Since then, many high quality specimens have appeared that rival the Australian opals which have dominated the opal market since the beginning. This type of opal is from the Welo district, a locality which yields fabulous and very colorful opals in a rhyolitic matrix.
Care Notes: Durability: Hardness--6.5. Opals are prone to dryness and cracking, known as crazing, so care must be taken in wearing and setting. Avoid rapid temperature changes. (Opal specimens are raw and unsealed--they may exhibit existing crazing lines.)
Healing Keywords: Ethiopian opal is believed to strongly enhance psychic abilities, helping us perceive all sides of a situation. It is believed to enhance self-expression, transmute negative into positive energy, and carry the energy of joy into the wearer's life!
Please email us if you would like a video, or if you have more questions about this item.